Yireo Loki Checkout
Modular, developer-friendly, fastest, feature-packed, PHP/AlpineJS-driven
We give you the next revolution: With the LokiCheckout, you get your hands upon a feature-rich checkout that is fast and developer-friendly. Built on top of Tailwind and Alpine, it works for Hyvä, but also Luma and Breeze. And did we say it is fast and developer-friendly already?
Academies, on-demand videos, events
We give you the tools to educate your developers
Newcomers can be trained via our academies (weeks on an end) or separate masterclasses. Or you can take your pick from our on-demand video portfolio (with up to 100 hours of videos). And we are here to help you with events, unconferences, hackathons and meetups.
Yireo got you covered when it comes to gaining knowledge

Yireo opens up technologies for you
We do the research, trials and experiments. You do the rest.
Our slogan and mission has been since many years "Opening Up Technologies" and it is still 100% accurate: We are nerds, we love open source and we are passionate about helping you use the right tools.