Recently we developed a free Bootstrap-based Joomla! module, that turns your Joomla! menus into a nice JavaScript-based accordion. Inspired as we are, we called it Bootstrap Accordion Menu. The module now hits version 1.0.1, completing all the features we wanted to add to it.
Bootstrap-based plus hover-effects
The Twitter Bootstrap framework offers Joomla! 3.0 frontends and backends a solid layout-structure, allowing for extensions to have a more generic look & feel. But Bootstrap also offers a couple slick JavaScript-effects, like the accordion-menu. Our module simply turns a normal Joomla! menu into such an accordion.
But one downside of the Bootstrap accordion-menu is that it expands or collapses a submenu by using a click on the parent-menu. The parent-menu itself however is not clickable, because of this. We have added an extra JavaScript-piece to our bootstrap-module that overcomes this problem: It allows you to expand a submenu by hovering over the parent-item (no click), so that a click can be used to redirect to the link of that parent-item itself. Simple but very effective.
About the author

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.