With our Yireo DeleteAnyOrder extension you can reliably remove test-orders from your database - either before going live, or while you have already gone live. Not only does our extension clean the order itself, it also tracks down dependancies (unlike other similar extensions). DeleteAnyOrder has now hit version 0.10.2.

Support subscriptions

So what's new in version 0.10.2? First of all, we've made some changes in our support-mechanism. Instead of asking a single fee that gives you a single extension-download, we have moved to support-subscriptions instead: When choosing DeleteAnyOrder, you can choose between two support-packages (6 months or 12 months) giving you support and unlimited usage.

When the subscription stops, the extension keeps on working without limitations. It's just that you can no longer download new packages from our site. There are no domain-restrictions - you can install the extension on as many domains as you like. And there are no platform-restrictions - our code simply works on Magento Community as well as Magento Enterprise. So no ridiculous extra fees for Enterprise-customers.

Faster and more reliable

With 0.10.2, DeleteAnyOrder has also got a cleanup and a performance-improvement. Within a special analysis-page, the extension checks upon the integrity of the database-structure. This is to make sure that database-corruption does not cause worse problems when deleting orders. However, in earlier versions, if you had a lot of orders (say, 100.000) you also needed an extremely high memory_limit to load all orders into PHP-memory. With the new version, this is dramatically decreased. With 100.000 orders, a regular memory_limit of 512Mb is now sufficient.

Posted on May 15, 2013

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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