Last week the official word came out: I'm awarded with the title Magento Master - more specifically a Mover. I'm really honored with this, so wanted to dedicate a small blog on this. Here is what, why and how awesome.

Magento Masters

In 2016, the concept of Magento Masters popped up first, allowing Magento to say thanks to contributors for various reasons. The contributions range from writing technical whitepapers on code constructs of Magento 2, helping out people with usergroups and other events, forum activity, documentation and much more. Because of this diversity, Magento Masters are divided into a couple of groups - Movers, Mentors and Makers.

Myself, I'm rewarded with the title of Mover because of my work on two Magento 2 Seminars in 2016, a hackathon, monthly usergroups and talks at various events. Basically I love to hear myself and it is staggering to see that Magento rewards people for that. Anyway, I'm really proud that I got this title.

Wow, on 1 page with Vinai and Ivan

I'm even more honored by being on the same listing with Vinai Kopp and Ivan Chepurnyi, two guys that I see as more technically skilled as I am (or at least some ages ahead). I slowly got to know them as really friendly guys and obviously I'm also really happy for them that they rewarded for their many contributions within the Magento ecosphere. Big kudos!

Go Dutchies

What did strike us a bit in a Dutchento Slack chat was that so many Dutchies were awarded: Sander Mangel, Peter Jaap Blaakmeer, me. And of course, we also count in Ivan who has been living in The Netherlands for quite some years now (and still hasn't learned Dutch). And Vinai because he lives in a little fake country just right next to The Netherlands, which can only come third because we come second.

Well, work harder!

I can only respond appropriately by saying that I will work even harder in 2017: Let's hope my new Jedi powers will make me succeed in everything I want to accomplish: More usergroups in The Netherlands, perhaps some hackathons, hopefully contribute my bit in MeetMagento NL and MageUnconference NL, organize a Yireo event MageTestFest in November and perhaps make some money along the way.

Again, many thanks for the reward! Magento rocks my world!

Posted on February 8, 2017

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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