The New Year is there, 2022 has started. And amidst all turmoil of the pandemic, I'll peak ahead to what is waiting for Yireo (and perhaps you, if Yireo has something to offer that you like).
Top priority: On-Demand courses
We have been pushing it steadily now for a month or so: Yireo promotion is suddenly shifting towards the new portfolio of Yireo On-Demand trainings. Video courses, backed with written notes, backed with professional support. And all for very affordable prices, compared to competitors.
The following trainings already have gone live and are available at this moment:
- Vue Storefront 1 (9 hours)
- Adobe PWA Studio (11 hours)
- Magento 2 Luma Essentials (11 hours)
- Magento 2 Backend Development I (15 hours)
Currently, the focus is on the following courses (with their ETA scheduled end of this month):
- Magento 2 Luma JavaScript (Knockout, RequireJS): currently 8 hours and probably growing to 16 hours
- Hyvä Theme Development: 2 hours and counting up to 12 hours
Next up, the following trainings are scheduled:
- Magento 2 Backend Development II (database architecture, etc)
- Shopware PWA (with Vue Storefront 2)
- Magento 2 Backend Development III (MSI, Varnish, ElasticSearch, etc)
- And much much more ...
For a live preview of all courses, see this overview:
Shopware PWA and Shopware Apps
Besides Magento, I have started to focus on Shopware as well, since early last year (2021). First of all, a video series was created to help promote Shopware 6 amongst Magento developers, published on the official Shopware training page. Next starting from mid 2021, Rico Neitzel and me worked together to help Shopware launch a portfolio of Shopware frontend and backend development training.
In 2022, I'll be extending my Shopware PWA materials as well, turning it into an On-Demand training (as mentioned earlier) but also helping devs with live trainings. Next to that, I'm working together with Shopware to help promote their new App System (with which plugins are transformed into cloud-based SaaS apps) through a new video series. I'm really excited about this.
Reboot extensions
With all of this work on video courses and live training, the collection of Yireo extensions has gotten a bit less attention. One of the main things that is missing now is that incoming PRs require my personal attention far too often, because tests are lacking to proof the situation before and after a fix. The idea is to work on all (important) extensions gradually, implementing new features, promoting those features, smoothening the flow of PRs and testing, etcetera.
All extensions - except the Yireo EmailTester - are completely free and open source.
No events
In 2022, we will not be organizing events. No Reacticon, no MageTestFest. This makes room for all of the many other projects I got planned instead.
Personal shizzle
Education has slowly become the main pillar of Yireo. However, in my personal life, other pillars have grown important as well: Me lady, me baby. I'm planning to spend that amount of time on work, that leaves enough room for family life as well.
Camping, cycling with a baby chariot, gardening with a minimum of gardening knowledge, chasing the cat when she runs off with food for my daughter - it is all part of my plan of making this year not only about work, but in balance with personal life as well.
Exiting 2022 ahead!
For me, 2022 is going to be an exciting year. Even though we are still in the midst of a COVID crisis. I hope that the year brings also great opportunities for you!
About the author

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.