Here is a top 3 mistakes you can make as a marketeer in the tech world. A bonus tip here is to keep the title phrased exactly as-is in the intro text. That's just a dumb copy-and-paste and it shows a lack of interest.

1. Only write article titles with numbers in them

It seems a marketing trick that works: Making sure your blog title includes a number. And it does work simply because of human psychology or something. A title like the Top 4 mistakes or 42 tips on how to write marketing blogs or whatever is attracting more attention.

But if you're writing for nerds, note that your audience will typically be looking through tricks like these. And remember that they are tricks: You are on purpose trying to lift up your blog by applying a psychological trick. Even worse, when a developer (you know, a guy with glasses and an Iron Maiden t-shirt, without social skills) reckognizes that he is being manipulated by a marketeer, the reaction will be to classify the entire blog as manipulative. Or at least, that's how it works for me.

2. Start with tech teaser but content remains shallow

There are more mistakes that you can make: Maybe the teaser of the blog is really enticing but if the rest of the content doesn't live up to the expectations, why bother reading the rest of your future blogs? Of course, a good example of blogs that live up to everyones expectations is this Yireo blog, cough.

My advice for any kind of marketing for techies is to keep it technically interesting. If the content is less interesting, you might still publish it, but don't try to facelift it to being superduper interesting. It is what it is. Even better, consider adding TL;DR to the top of the article to comfort those that don't want to read everything.

3. Repeating the same point twice

There are more mistakes that you can make: Maybe the teaser of the blog is really enticing but if the rest of the content doesn't live up to the expectations, why bother reading the rest of your future blogs? Of course, a good example of blogs that live up to everyones expectations is this Yireo blog, cough.

My advice for any kind of marketing for techies is to keep it technically interesting. If the content is less interesting, you might still publish it, but don't try to facelift it to being superduper interesting. It is what it is. Even better, consider adding TL;DR to the top of the article to comfort those that don't want to read everything.

4. Not have the exact number of points as promoted by your title

And last but not least, do not write an article that promotes to have a certain number of points, while the actual count is higher (or worse: lower). Of course, in marketing, things are different but we technies we learned to count.

Posted on May 22, 2022

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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