For years, I have been maintaining a free Yireo_GoogleTagManager2 module for Magento. And often, I get questions that are not related to the module, but to the GTM console instead. Offering training for this seems like a good idea.
Configuring GTM and GA is not a Magento developer task
A Magento developer deals with Magento code. However, often the given tasks also include the installation of a Magento module. For instance, a Google Tag Manager module. And that could just be my Yireo extension (which includes GA4 support and most if not all required e-commerce features). However, after installing such a Magento module, the Magento part is just the first step: The module adds things to the Google dataLayer
and this dataLayer
is sent to Google, where it ends up in the relevant container.
Next, the container needs to be configured so that the data is connected to Google Analytics as well. Data might need to be mapped, events need to be added, additional scripts could be loaded, etcetera. All within the Tag Manager console, which has nothing to do with Magento. It is a task for a Google expert.
Hey, I get CSP errors
A new type of issues is also on the rise: Developers implement GTM in Magento, make sure that the external Google URLs are supported by the Magento CSP (Content-Security-Policy) configuration and then finish their task. Next, a marketeer picks up on the Google configuration. And there, new scripts could be added easily that again break the CSP rules.
Often, the Magento developer is blamed for this. This, while actually the whole goal of CSP is to make the site more secure, so that some Google expert is not able to add vulnerabilities by just making a few clicks.
A new (Dutch) Yireo training with Ron van Dijk
To cut the slack, Yireo is joining forces with Ron van Dijk who has been giving training in GTM and GA already for years. He has published a low-cost GA4 video course as well as being a consultant where needed. And now, Yireo and Ron team up.
Yireo has never been a company-company anyway: I'm personally the sole owner and whenever Yireo was presented with more team members, those members were freelancers adding value to the Yireo brand. This is also the style that Ron aims for. And for Yireo, it is part of a next phase where external trainers (besides me) play a bigger role. Yireo is expanding - not in company size, but in networking size :)
September 2nd & 3th 2024
Early September, Ron and I will organize a two-day (Dutch) course on Magento & Google Tag Manager. The course is not only for marketeers, but also for merchants, agency managers and developers. It starts at the basics (what can be do with events, tags, triggers and variables) but heads to the more enhanced scenarios as well (like conversion goals, custom events, CSP evils, the consent mode and more).
In short, as a Magento developer, this is for you. To learn more about the course, see the following link: Hope to see you there.
If you are interested in an English-version of the training (after all, this blog is in English as well), do let me know.
Learn everything there is to learn about Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics, when combined with Magento
About the author

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.