

One event with one single topic: Testing. For Magento developers.

In 2017, Yireo decided to organize a conference focused on Magento developers (Amersfoort, NL), with the topic being testing. This turned out to be a success, so we redid things in 2019 (Florence, IT). And maybe ... one day ...

Push the boundaries on testing

Because code quality needs to be pushed

Twice, we organized MageTestFest already. And with reason: Magento coding can be hard at times. And this is why testing offers a way to offload the brain. And more importantly, secure the future. The events had presentations by famous gurus like Mathias Verraes, Sebastian Bergmann and Vinai Kopp. Additionally the topics covered more than the basics: Mutation testing, CI integrations, Cypress, MFTF and much more.


Test or die

Provocative terms to prevent you fucking up

The stage was set, the speakers line up. And the focus was: Advocate testing in such a way that less Magento developers carried the burden of the sick code they hacked together last week at work.

A complete focus on testing

Two conferences with a niche topic that asks for so much attention

MageTestFest 2017

  • Location: Prodentfabriek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
  • 190 attendees
  • Two days of workshops (DDD, PHPUnit)
  • One day of conference
  • A hackathon
  • And parties

MageTestFest 2019

  • Location: Odeon Theatre, Firenze, Italy
  • 130 attendees
  • Two days of workshops (various topics)
  • One day of conference
  • A hackathon
  • And parties

And the fest

Not only a great time to show off how drunk you can become

The MageTestFest events had workshops, hackathons and lots of great talks. It pushed the community to adopt testing. But there was also enough time to chitchat about other testing (like: how much time do your tests require to run in).

And it might happen again ...

MageTestFest v3 (2025/2026)