
Monday, September 30, 2024 & Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Magento 2 Testing course

Online via Zoom

Join our upcoming training

Whenever you have business critical code in a live environment, like with a webshop, it is vital to make sure that bugs don't end up in production. Even more important, you don't want bugs to occur twice. Testing is the key. However, to get started with testing, you will first of all need a bit guidance. Second, you also need to get used to the right flow. This training helps you to get into the habit of writing unit tests, integration tests and functional tests.

Jisse Reitsma

Your teacher Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the developer of 60+ Magento extensions and has given technical Magento trainings for years. Besides his ability to understand complex technology, he is skilled in making this knowledge understandable for everyone. With him, you can expect in-to-depth guidance plus lots of practical tips. Jisse is the mastermind of MageTestFest, Reacticon and MageUnconference and former Magento Master.

Details of this training

Start date
Monday, September 30, 2024
End date
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Daily times
09:30 - 16:30
2 days
Online via Zoom
Minimum of attendees
Maximum of attendees
€975 (excluding VAT)
Lunch, snacks, fruit, drinks, goodies, courseware
Get your ticket now

@ Online via Zoom

Magento training topics

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This course has been updated for compatibility with Magento 2.4.7-p1

Watch a preview now

See for yourself

Testing strategies

Or browse through all lessons in our courseware portal

We are constantly updating our courseware, but the following is a real-life snapshot
Testing strategies free
Why testing?
Types of testing
Magento utilities
Organizing your tests
Running tests from PHPStorm
Defensive programming
DRY principle
Object Calisthenics
SOLID principles
Law of Demeter
Tell don't ask
Static code analysis
Basics of unit testing
Example unit test
Unit testing katas
Unit Tests
Using dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml.dist
Stubs vs mocks vs dummies
Testing exceptions
Data providers in tests
Spying with PHPUnit
Overview of Integration Tests
Setting up integration tests
Running Integration Tests
Example integration tests
Which ObjectManager?
Tips for integration tests
Magento annotations
Integration Tests with Warden
Minimizing modules that are enabled
Troubleshooting integration tests
Advanced topics
Integration tests and events
Testing module behaviour
Testing controllers
Testing the layout
Testing sessions
Testing entities
What is legacy code?
Refactoring with tests
Strangler fig attern
Refactoring with TDD
Different testing types for legacy code
Characterization tests
Code coverage
Performance overview
Yireo Integration Test Helper
Using tmpfs to speed up Integration Tests
Overview of Functional Tests
Functional tests setup
Using the ProductRepository in a functional test
Functional Tests following Magento
API Functional Testing
Magento Functional Testing Framework (MFTF)
PHP linting
GitHub Actions
End-to-End testing

Full access to all videos and other coursematerial is available for attendees of live trainings.

This course has been updated for compatibility with Magento 2.4.7-p1

Discover our Integration Testing Helper

If you are up for it, you can try out our Yireo_IntegrationTestHelper, which adds various tricks on top of Magento Integration Testing: Additional assertions, an OOP install-config-mysql.php file, CLI commands.

Target group

Target group

  • Magento backend developers
  • Magento lead developers
Even when you think you know a few things about Magento, Jisse still manages to tell you about useful details that you never thought about.
Ruben Zuidervaart (Epartment)

We gave you MageTestFest

In 2018, we organized MageTestFest for the first time - in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Room to 180 developers, focused entirely on Magento testing, with big names like Sebastian Bergmann and Mathias Verraes. In 2019, we did it again - in Florence, Italy. And maybe, maybe, one day, we'll be back.



  • Magento 2 experience
  • Knowledge of Magento 2 OOP
  • Experience with PHP OOP
The training made pure abstraction manageable and digestible
Marko Beenink (Mountain IT)

Customer quotes

Very informative and useful training! Even though I already have 3+ years of Magento experience, there was enough information from which I learned new things. Renze Dijkstra (E-tales)
A crash course by Yireo is like to be Neo learning Kung Fu Tjitse Efdé (Vendic)
Structured training measured my general knowledge of e-commerce and Magento is verbal. Goal achieved! Erwin de Groot (Vendic)
Read more quotes of our customers

Yireo could be the right partner for you

We have trained 5000+ developers in numerous disciplines since 2005

  • Professional training at affordable prices
  • Truely active with numerous open source projects in the community
  • Trainings, bootcamps, hackathons, events
  • Passionate, enthousiastic, knowledgable in the right combination

Some of the customers that we have trained in the past years

See a more complete listing of our customers

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a minimum number of attendees listed. What does this mean?

When this course is organized in the form of a classroom-training, it is only held if there is a minimum number of attendees. This number is usually 4 but sometimes we bring this down to 2 or 3. This minimum number simply means that if a class is not "full", either you get a refund or your ticket is transferred to another date. With On-Demand courses (video courses), this number is not applicable.

Do you have any PPP discount available?

Yes, we do have a PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) discount available. Just enter `PPP` as a coupon code and the discount will be applied to your cart. We are using the Big Mac Index to recalculate prices. Note that - when ordering for a specific PPP rate - the country that you're entering in your billing address needs to match the exact country that you are visiting from (in other words: your IP needs to match the country you say you're from).