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Disable service workers for the Magento Admin Panel

May 6, 2020

It is a small annoyance when combining a PWA and Magento within the same hosting environment: The PWA replaces the original frontend and ships with a new Service Worker. But this also activates that same Service Worker for the Magento Admin Panel. Here is a small workaround to disable that service worker.

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Limiting GraphQL depth and complexity in Magento 2

April 29, 2020

Magento 2.3 has added a GraphQL API. However, it allows for certain kinds of queries that might not neccessarily be needed in your own custom headless frontend, but are still executable by any GraphQL client. Let's see how we can limit this, so that the shop stays performant.

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Run a test-instance of Varnish for Magento 2

April 20, 2020

With Magento 2, frontend performance goes up big time if a Varnish server is configured in front of the regular Magento frontend: Static assets are retrieved faster than with a regular webserver. But more importantly . This blog goes through a couple of my personal tricks to run a test-instance of Varnish via Docker, without going full-stack-on-Docker. It is personal, it is sensitive, but maybe it is fun to see how I sometimes cook up things.

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Do you need Node on the server to run Magento PWA Studio?

April 15, 2020

It is question that I'm being asked frequently: When you setup a hosting environment for PWA Studio, do you need Node on the server? Magento itself has responded frequently with an answer that you don't need Node. But often in such a response, technical aspects are missing. Also, answering this question is not that simple at all. Let me have a try at it.

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Working with Apollo introspection and Magento GraphQL fragments

April 7, 2020

It begins so simple. You build yourself a React app, running simple GraphQL queries towards a Magento shop and you hope for the best. However, the more progress you make, the more complex some issues might come: One such a topic is GraphQL introspection. Let's have a peak, so we can make things simple again.

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Reacticon moved to October 2020

March 26, 2020

With the Corona crisis slowly reaching new heights, it was to be expected: Reacticon v3 is not able to take place in June 2020. Instead, we have moved things to October. And we are still excited to make this great event happen!

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Additional GraphQL endpoints for Magento 2

March 21, 2020

I'm a fan of Magento 2.3 its new GraphQL layer. However, I often hear that people are still waiting for things to be completed. Perhaps I'm not seeing those problems that they are facing, but to me, creating and extending GraphQL is easy and doable. To demonstrate this, here's a little simple Yireo_AdditionalEndpointsGraphQl module to get you going.

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Reacticon at the zoo!

March 14, 2020

Finally, the big word is out: Reacticon v3 will take place at the zoo. To be more specific, the Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, The Netherlands. Even while you might be postponing attending any conference for this moment, do make sure to write this down in your calendar. Because Reacticon is not to be missed. And the beautiful venue only stresses this.

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Vue Storefront drops support for Magento?

March 9, 2020

Ok, this is fake news. Vue Storefront does not drop support for Magento, despite what people thought they were hearing after watching a video Ecosystem of Vue Storefront Products that VSF published recently. It is maybe a difficult story that the Vue Storefront were trying to tell (not sell), so let me have another try by rephrasing a couple things.

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