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Yireo ExtensionChecker refactored
November 29, 2022
End of 2018, I wrote a little Magento module to check upon the dependencies of other modules: The Yireo ExtensionChecker. In September this year, I refactored the module in major version 2, cleaning up the entire logic. And here's a little promotion.
Why not run Magento 2 in developer mode?
November 23, 2022
It sounds so simple: Magento 2 has a Developer Mode and a Production Mode. And the Developer Mode is there for development, so do not enable it in production. But why?
Faster Magento 2 Integration Tests - a summary
November 11, 2022
I'm a fan of Magento 2 integration tests for various reasons. But if those tests are not run fast enough, you will be discouraged to run them constantly. Because of this, making sure integration tests run as fast as possibly is part of their success. In this blog, I'll summarize everything I found myself to optimize things.
Best practices on the Luma frontend for third party Magento extensions?
November 1, 2022
For years, the theme that most people considered when it came to Magento frontending was Luma. Nowadays, the landscape is different, with many projects having a frontend in Hyvä, PWA Studio or Vue Storefront (or others). How much of the old "best practices" would therefore still stand with Magento third party modules?
Adobe hires everyone
October 19, 2022
Magento (aka Adobe Commerce) is on the move. Ever since Adobe acquired Magento and slowly started to integrate Magento into its own cloud, people left Magento and people started working for Magento. But can we read something between the lines?
No APSB22-48 patches for Magento 2.3
October 13, 2022
A serious Magento vulnerability has come to the light. Adobe labeled it with security issue APSB22-48
. And yesterday, October 12th, new patch releases came out for 2.4.5 (being 2.4.5-p1) and 2.4.4 (being 2.4.4-p2). But what about 2.4.3 and older? What about Magento 2.3? Are we screwed?
Understanding Shopware 6 PHPDocs annotations
October 10, 2022
In any modern PHP codebase, there are PHP comments to enhance the application: Varying from simple comments to annotations and even Attributes. In Shopware 6, this is no different. But there are some annotations that require a bit more details to understand properly. Here it goes.
My MageUnconference DE 2022
October 5, 2022
For me, one of the most rewarding events in the Magento ecosystem is an unconference. Early October (few days ago), I attended the MageUnconference in Cologne. Here's my take.
Magento 2 interconnectivity: gRPC or GraphQL?
September 29, 2022
When I slowly got to understand to GraphQL, it made me enthousiastic: The graph allow not only for headless frontending but also for connecting backend services (as long as they support GraphQL). But then gRPC popped up on the radar. Is it there to replace GraphQL? And what does that tell about the future architecture of Magento?