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Headless with Magento 2
June 13, 2017
For about half a year to one year, the community is buzzing on headless Magento. For newcomers, it is a little bit hard to grasp why this is needed. Or what it actually involves. And it seems different people decide on the concept for different reasons. Let's dive a little bit in the details of what and how.
Checklist for going live with Magento 2
June 3, 2017
In the past few months, I have heard of more and more projects going live with Magento 2. However, not always the projects go live as they should. For instance, sometimes Magento 2 shops go live with the Developer Mode still being active. From a developer point of view, this is a big no-no. But as newcomer with Magento 2, this might be something you need to learn about. To make sure, Magento 2 shops are optimized before being put to production, here is a checklist to help you.
MageTestFest is live! With Vinai!
May 18, 2017
We are proud to announce you that MageTestFest is officially on. The date is set on November 17th 2017, the site is live and we are proud to announce our first speaker: Vinai Kopp.
Review of MeetMagento 2017 NL
May 15, 2017
Last week, MeetMagento Netherlands 2017 (#mm17nl) took place. Though I'm biased (I was part of the organizing team), it was a blast. Here's a small recap of what was up.
May 18th - MUG Nijmegen (Netherlands)
May 9, 2017
Magento 2 is hot. And you can see by the number of events out there. In the Netherlands only already there is MeetMagento, MageUnconference, MageTestFest and possibly a MageTitans in 2018. And we have the local user groups. On May 18th we are gathering for a meetup in Nijmegen to discuss SEO features in Magento 2. And there will be a primer on the launch of a new Yoast extension for Magento 2.
Injecting dependencies properly in Magento 2
April 25, 2017
Magento 2 offers a great way of loosely coupling modules together, by using the concept of Dependency Injection with a bit of configuration flavor. When you for instance want to inject yourself with a certain class, you can inject yourself with an instance of the interface by adding this to your constructor. Simple as that. However, make sure that one dependency is not injected twice.
Reviewing the announcements of Imagine2017
April 20, 2017
Time flies. It's already 11 days ago since I came back from Imagine 2017. However, I still wanted to write up this blog to share some of my thoughts on the announcements made during Imagine 2017. It was a blast. I do have some comments though.
Working with the new Magento 2.1 Entity Manager
April 4, 2017
With Magento 2.1, a new class structure has been introduced - dubbed the Entity Manager - which allows for a better structure to work with entities through composition, instead of relying upon parent classes to do the work. Let's see what's inside this new class.
Magento 2 interceptors under PHP 7
March 25, 2017
So first of all the great news: It has been announced that Magento 2.2 (the upcoming release) will support only PHP 7. In other words, PHP 5 support is dropped and we can move our code forward to PHP 7. So what this mean for Magento 2 interceptors.