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What makes Reacticon different?

September 23, 2018

Last couple of years, the number of Magento events world-wide has increased dramatically. Many people say there are too many events. However, Reacticon was sold out in March 2018. And Reacticon 2 (only days away on October 4th 2018) is already one of the biggest Magento developer events world-wide. Let's see what makes Reacticon so different.

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ExtDN - Do use composer

August 24, 2018

With ExtDN, we feel the urge that code quality of Magento extensions should be improved. So we sat down and carefully phrased 8 hints for creating proper Magento 2 extensions: The DOs for Magento extension development. Here is a discussion of the first point: To use composer.

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Summer of coding

August 18, 2018

While the heat is striking down on Europe and many are sitting at the pool to chill, my summer is all about coding. I was looking forward to a summer without travels (because I had those earlier this year with dozens of conferences) and with time to work on pending projects. Here is an overview of my summer of coding.

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ExtDN goes MeetMagento Poland

August 13, 2018

Since some time now, Yireo is part of a network of Magento Extension Providers - ExtDN - which works to increase the quality level of Magento extensions. And I'm happy to announce that ExtDN is going to MeetMagento Poland this September.

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Why is Magento 2 LESS compilation so slow?

August 7, 2018

It has been the frustration of Magento 2 frontend developers for years already. And it has surprised me that so little has been written about it: Compiling the default LESS code of Magento 2 is slow, easily taking up to 8 seconds. But why? Here's a summary of an experiment I've run to find out what is the actual problem. Plus some conclusions (and semi-solutions).

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Reacticon v2 is only two months away

July 28, 2018

Time is flying: Reacticon v2 is only two months away. And things are on the roll: We already have over 60 attendees and 2 main sponsors are in (Magento and Deity). If you want to join Reacticon, now is the time!

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Babysteps with PWA Studio

July 20, 2018

Magento PWA Studio is slowly becoming more mature. Nothing to build a production PWA yet with, but enough to play around with as a way of getting used to the technology. Months ago, Fooman wrote a blog on how to setup PWA Studio properly. Here are my additional notes.

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Boost MySQL speed of Magento 2 integration tests

June 29, 2018

Magento 2 is built in a modular way and one of the benefits here is that you can easily (?) add your own unit and/or integration tests, to guarantee the quality of your own code. When running integration tests, a test database is set up. However, this process is kind of slow. Here is a little trick to dramatically increase the performance of MySQL, so your integration tests complete within seconds.

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Oh my god, a Magento Association?

June 24, 2018

Last Wednesday, I attended a supersecret meeting in Leipzig that dealt with the forming of a brand new Magento Association. And here is a public blog about it. Supersecret? No, of course not. The Magento Association is there for all of us.

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