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Our latest articles on Magento, Shopware, Vue, React and much more
Updates for WebP extensions
March 27, 2012
We just updated our Joomla! extension (version 0.0.2) and Magento extension (version 0.2.3) for WebP to add fix for PNG-transparency. While Google WebP offers an exciting way to decrease the required bandwidth of your site, its support for PNGs is somewhat limited: It does not support transparent PNGs, or PNGs with an alpha layer.
MageBridge for Joomla! 2.5
March 27, 2012
Joomla! 2.5 is already out for some time now - hell, 2.5.2 has already been released weeks ago - but we found it still a good time to write about MageBridge and Joomla! 2.5. In short, the two are compatible, but there is also a bit more to tell about it.
All free Yireo extensions
March 20, 2012
A few weeks ago, we added some custom made extensions on our site, to allow for extensions to be displayed in a better way. As a side effect, we can now also show you a complete listing of all our free extensions (both Joomla! as Magento). Hope you enjoy our work.
Non-database Smart Search (finder) plugin
March 15, 2012
Joomla! 2.5 has integrated the Finder-extension into its core, adding a new Smart Search functionality. Already the Joomla! documentation includes a fine tutorial for writing a Smart Search plugin, however it assumes integration with the Joomla! database. With MageBridge, we wrote a SmartSearch plugin that integrates with a remote source (Magento), and we thought it would be a good idea to share this with you all.
Update of MageBridge showcases
March 14, 2012
We have been so busy implementing new features in MageBridge, and supporting our customers building smooth webshops, that - as always with techies - marketing was way behind. We just updated our showcase-page of MageBridge shops - ditching some old entries, and adding some new. And there are some conclusions to make while running through the list as well.
Overriding the colors of RalOption
February 17, 2012
The Magento extensio RalOption offers a way to display a product-option for a RAL colorcode within your Magento frontend. A popup displays all colors, allowing the customer to select the right color for that specific product. But the colors might not be sorted in the way you want. Worse, not all RAL colors can be matched with a webcolor (like gold). This tutorial shows you how to override the default behaviour of RalOption as you see fit.
Less bandwidth thanks to WebP
February 12, 2012
(Almost) every website has images, and (almost) all images are of the format PNG, JPG and GIF - formats that have existed already many years, but have rarely been updated. Because a lot of the bandwidth of the modern web is taken up by images, it is logical to see research in the direction of reducing the sizes of images dramatically. Google has introduced such a new format - WebP - and we are happy to code along by offering a free Magento extension for this new WebP format.
ByAttribute 1.0.0 brings you widgets
February 6, 2012
About a week ago, we released ByAttribute version 1.0.0 for Magento - the so-called stable version that everybody was waiting for such a long time. The first feature of this stable version is that nothing has become more stable than it already was - it's just a version-change. The second feature is that this new release brings widget-support. At last, something easier than hard-code XML-coding ...
SimpleLists 1.6 is out
January 29, 2012
About a month ago, we released SimpleLists as a beta-version, and since then, we have released various intermediate versions to fix the latest bugs: By now it's time to state that SimpleLists 1.6 as stable, and give some hints on what is new with this new version.